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埃弗拉冷静对待合同问题 Evra cool on contract debate

埃弗拉冷静对待合同问题 Evra cool on contract debate

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& t. f2 D2 p5 |9 |曼联在线·球迷地带Patrice Evra insists that he is happy at Manchester United and hopes to be offered a new deal in the near future. 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源." ?2 ~, N6 O1 l; g- e; P
The French international has only one-year left to run on his current contract at Old Trafford, but remains confident that the situation will be resolved shortly.
3 R( o8 c9 j4 r' v! T9 C  Y专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.He has become a firm fixture in the Red Devils' first-team since his 2006 move from Monaco, and it would come as a surprise if Sir Alex Ferguson were to allow the attacking full-back to leave.
( a/ N7 G7 Z2 b- j$ g! _( _+ U  `( lwww.imanutd.comEvra accepts that anything is possible in football and his future may lie elsewhere, but for now he remains focused on helping United to European glory over Chelsea next Wednesday.
7 {- A' W* N4 e3 B/ P曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛Meeting专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.5 t7 Y# I% \0 {. R
"When I came here a lot of people told me football in England is just 'kick the ball away', but now I just laugh because the football is the best in the world," he said.
8 Q; a% u, r( d) H专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源."I have one year left on my contract but I am just concentrating on the final. I have an agent and Manchester United know my situation. A meeting is coming, but for now I'm concentrating on winning the Champions League.
2 _8 u& q) r) J  o) o" l! `. Hwww.imanutd.com"After that let's see what happens. It would be hard to leave this club, but in football you never know." - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站6 O; F) a; O, {4 x. t
Evra heads to Moscow for next week's UEFA Champions League final desperate to erase the painful memories of falling at the final hurdle with Monaco in 2004.
+ f7 Y4 r) k+ w- p/ QOverdue
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He also believes that the United squad owe their manager another opportunity to get his hands on the trophy, as one success in 22 years does not do justice to a man who has transformed the Old Trafford club. www.imanutd.com2 \3 f* d4 S* g
"Since I lost the final it's been in my mind every day," said Evra.
5 K3 E5 ?  k9 W2 m. Y* w+ o - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"That's why, when I signed for Man United, I said in my first interview I just want to play in the Champions League and win to cancel this bad memory with Monaco.
# c' ]9 X2 a. d - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"It's my second final but I can't just play this game. I need to win this game because it's very important for Manchester United because it's a long time since 1999. 曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛# a3 D/ u9 |9 u1 l
Respect曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛# c: b$ b) |( H! R0 T; L
"And I want to win for Alex Ferguson. It's just his second final in the Champions League and I think a manager like that deserves to win it more than once.
* H, q" x4 {& c"This is why I hope that everyone gets the present for him, out of respect for what he has done for Manchester United.
  A5 r9 B- c* T$ V! Z8 s) |"I think it's very important for everybody but of course for the manager it's important.
3 K* `* V% z, z. l; Q曼联在线·球迷地带"In 20 years at Manchester United he has won ten titles, but I think it's very important for him." 曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛0 a/ q( R/ {+ w8 O* j4 v7 Q
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曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛8 P, Y1 N: {2 F2 q2 P, j
/ H8 }2 I' z$ ^' D, `+ M! n专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.
0 K% F' P3 o4 ]- U2 v9 w: _ - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站他自从2006年从摩纳哥加盟以后便占据了主力位置,作为一名全能的攻击型后卫,如果弗格森会让他离开,那才是叫人惊讶的。曼联在线·球迷地带5 f0 i3 b4 w3 E
埃弗拉坦言一切皆有可能,他的未来或许在别的地方,不过目前,他要做的是集中注意力帮助曼联在周三击败切尔西,蹬上欧洲的顶峰。4 `; q* t8 ~# M5 l
关键词: 会晤
  C) C; Z7 N( I3 ~# b* _9 xwww.imanutd.com当我来到这里的时候,很多人告诉我英格兰足球就是大脚开球,不过现在我会对这种说法一笑置之,因为这里的足球是世界上最好的,”他说。
% U& r5 [, ^3 K; g( W  \. K5 q - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站我的合同还剩下一年。不过我我现在只关注决赛。我有我的经纪人,曼联也了解我的情况,很快就会有会晤了,不过目前,我要集中精力赢得欧冠。
7 n. E" G1 P5 M" r3 V" m& p) L - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站在那之后在让我们看看会发生什么,离开俱乐部可不容易,不过在足球界你永远不知道(将要发生什么)。”
8 J8 g3 E! |1 U# B3 p曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛埃弗拉十分期待欧冠决赛,他希望可以消除在摩纳哥时在2004年决赛折戟的痛苦回忆。曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛. J" c# n7 T& c! ~
0 c( F" L* j8 v6 J专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.他还认为曼联的球员们应该为弗格森赢得这次欧冠,22年只一冠对这位改变了整个俱乐部的人来说是不公平的。
/ L- u8 O, ^$ X# Q. G - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站自从我输掉决赛后,我一直对此耿耿于怀,”埃弗拉说。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站& g/ ~# X' s: D: Z
我和曼联签约以后第一次采访我就表示我要参加欧冠、赢得欧冠来消去深在摩纳哥的时候的悲伤记忆。曼联在线·球迷地带( W; S  r, J- `
  b1 u, Q4 n( J% v: k专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.关键词:敬意 www.imanutd.com' E) ~' |2 d5 u! R
而且我要为弗爵爷而战。这只是他的第二次欧冠决赛,我认为对他这样的主帅来讲,仅仅赢一次是绝对不够的。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站1 n, c6 b% ?* `" i
' H# b0 F" I% i. s我认为决赛对每个人都很重要,对主教练来说更是如此。曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛' g" ]; [+ q8 j
“20年来他在曼联赢得了10次联赛冠军,而我认为,欧冠对他来说真的很重要。”专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.* @2 `: K; e$ n1 Y9 Z/ j' G

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