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【泰晤士报】 马切达遭到抢劫 Federico Macheda robbed in his home

【泰晤士报】 马切达遭到抢劫 Federico Macheda robbed in his home

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# a/ y# K) s7 W+ e* d" \7 x曼联在线·球迷地带Federico Macheda, the Manchester United striker, was robbed in his home, police said. 9 j' Y5 l/ z/ f' y. k* h$ _
The 17-year-old Italian striker was targeted by two thieves who stole money and jewellery at his home in Washway Road, Sale, at 3.40am yesterday. A friend of Macheda was attacked and suffered minor head injuries during the robbery.
% i3 m; Q. o* O% dwww.imanutd.com"Two men stole cash and jewellery from the victims before running out of the house," a spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said. "One man suffered a minor cut to his head in the robbery. Inquiries are ongoing." - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站& C' k, w8 x1 \* L
The police spokesman was unable to confirm reports that the attack was linked to a row earlier in the evening outside a Manchester city centre nightclub.
5 R6 Z/ d% ~3 `( a" d专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.Macheda came to prominence last season by scoring a spectacular stoppage-time winner on his debut against Aston Villa on April 5 and another crucial goal six days later at Sunderland to help United towards the Premier League title. www.imanutd.com- \9 ^# h9 q& d# w8 L/ a: c! ?% ~
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当地时间凌晨3点40分,17岁的马切达在家里遭到抢劫,2名劫匪抢走了一些现金和首饰,他的一个朋友头部受到轻伤。曼联在线·球迷地带! `, y' r# o% f
曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛; R3 n% a) A9 w8 G: W  U3 r+ \# I' X
“2名男性窃取了一些现金和珠宝,随后逃离了房屋,”大曼地区的一名警方发言人说,“一名男性头部有些轻微的伤口,目前我们正在调查。” - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站3 W# u7 C3 |  w5 K! K
- 专业·专注·曼联中文网站- j( i* F" @" B# f6 I8 ^
警方没有透露,这次抢劫是否和早前在市中心的一家夜总会中发生的争吵有关。/ A5 d6 z, n, T

) A$ r: X6 e' X* x2 T3 W - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站上个赛季,马切达在对阵阿斯顿维拉的比赛中伤停补时阶段打入制胜球,六天后有在对阵桑德兰的比赛中打入关键入球,从而声名鹊起。



真怕  伤仲永 啊!!

