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劳:罗纳尔多在合适的俱乐部 Law: Ronaldo's at the right club

劳:罗纳尔多在合适的俱乐部 Law: Ronaldo's at the right club

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United goalscoring legend Denis Law has told Cristiano Ronaldo that Old Trafford is the place to be to fulfil all his career aims.
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Ronaldo had another record-breaking season in terms of goals for a winger - he scored 42 goals, just four behind Law's record of 46 in a campaign. It's the sort of form that has United's prized asset the envy of Europe's top clubs.
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Real Madrid have persistently been linked - and linked themselves with - a move for the 23-year-old winger. But such a transfer doesn't make sense to Law, who says there's more to come after United's Double-winning campaign.
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( H3 Y9 s- j  O! m曼联在线·球迷地带"There has been talk of Ronaldo going to Real Madrid, but you've just got to look at what he's done here at Manchester United and ask yourself, 'What's the point in him going to Real Madrid?'," he said.
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6 i$ U$ W( S) {! T$ O, T"He's just won the Champions League and back-to-back titles, so why go anywhere else? He is at the most famous club in the world and they are not yet done with winning trophies." www.imanutd.com8 l% U  W, p; |, i4 w2 w

; n7 h" C8 u4 r) Z- f% KLaw, who alongside George Best and Sir Bobby Charlton has been immortalised in the 'United Trinity' statue outside Old Trafford, also believes the Portuguese forward should be named European Footballer of the Year, an award all three United greats won in the sixties.
3 S% Y) j" x7 U( c. s0 ^8 \3 L4 O曼联在线·球迷地带
3 ~0 S5 @$ {1 c% W& s; k专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源."I would think that Ronaldo is the favourite to win it this year," Law added. "The way he's going, he is one of the favourites and if he doesn't win it this year, he'll certainly win it at some point."
& g2 A& d9 E4 S3 Y曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛
3 c+ F; l# E- L- F+ ^曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛曼联传奇球星丹尼斯.劳告诉罗纳尔多,老特拉福德是最适合完成职业生涯目标的地方。
5 x) M; J5 k5 ~* Q9 ~9 ~9 U曼联在线·球迷地带罗纳尔多本赛季再取得突破,他打进42球创造了新的边路球员进球纪录,而他距离劳单赛季46粒进球的纪录也只差4球。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站$ E8 d/ U" A4 l; w
, M3 ^* N6 N0 Y0 C4 q- H7 Z- z曼联在线·球迷地带“现在很多人在谈论罗纳尔多转会皇马的事情,但是你必须看看他在曼联所做的一切,然后问下自己,‘你去皇马后有什么目标?’”劳说道。
" f' Y# R# Y0 q, C% xwww.imanutd.com“他刚刚赢得冠军联赛和两个英超冠军,因此他为什么要离开呢?他正在为世界上最著名的俱乐部效力,他们会不断追求冠军。”
& ]$ [) X2 @2 Q) q专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.“我觉得罗纳尔多是赢得欧洲金球奖的热门。以他的踢法,他绝对是热门质疑,如果今年他无法赢得这个奖,那么他肯定也会在未来赢得。”