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【官网】 比赛前瞻:博尔顿 Match Pack: Bolton

【官网】 比赛前瞻:博尔顿 Match Pack: Bolton

专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.6 y% b7 O( u" W4 R$ h& \

: r& r, [7 d+ |  h# u6 D曼联在线·球迷地带The Reds are looking to get back to winning ways against Bolton Wanderers on Saturday, but Gary Megson's men will look to make it a battle...
' O" G- d( Z) y2 c2 p: Y曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛Form guide Having lost their first three league games, Gary Megson's men have hit form lately, with all eight of the points they've accumulated this term coming from the last four matches. They're not shy of goals either, scoring 12 in the last six matches in all competitions. A narrow and late 3-2 loss to Liverpool, and a 2-2 draw with Tottenham last time out, prove they can mix it with the big teams. United, having ended a run of eight straight wins with a disappointing 2-2 stalemate against Sunderland, will want to atone for that upon returning from the international break.
- y- c# I0 V3 |& K. _2 z3 }4 }; V曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛Ins and outs The Reds could welcome back Edwin van der Sar between the sticks, while Michael Owen, who sat out the Sunderland draw, has overcome a groin injury. The big concern is the calf injury that kept Wayne Rooney out of England's game with Belarus. Bolton will be without long-term absentee Sean Davis (knee), while their only other doubts are midfielder Joey O'Brien (knee) and defender Sam Ricketts (ankle).曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛  ?" L" v, N+ z4 N7 {4 U
Manager Gary Megson stuck up for Sir Alex this week in the aftermath of the United manager's comments about referee Alan Wiley, saying people should now move on. Sir Alex rates Megson highly, and in his programme notes for Saturday urges Bolton's supporters to get behind him.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛5 d0 Q% ^8 Z: X6 S: B  u
Star man Tamir Cohen. The Israeli international could be a threat from midfield. He's already scored three league goals this season, including one against Liverpool - the club his dad Avi played for in the 1980s. And Kevin Davies' strength will be used, as ever, to trouble United's defence, especially after the success Sunderland's big front two enjoyed.# \; i8 m/ E8 p! R
Referee Ahem. This could be interesting, couldn't it? All eyes will be on Saturday's referee Mark Clattenburg. Cynics will gleefully tell you he's officiated three defeats and a draw in the last four United games he's take charge of - and he was the man in the middle the last time Bolton beat United, 1-0 in November 2007. But here's a prediction you won't hear this weekend - it'll be an utterly uncontroversial game that passes off peacefully without event. Hopefully.www.imanutd.com( G( k  ~* }. `  ~# ?+ y$ J# `5 a
Rivals watch Aston Villa entertain Chelsea in Saturday's early kick-off (12:45 BST), while Liverpool visit Sunderland, Tottenham go to Portsmouth, Arsenal entertain Birmingham (all Sat 15:00 BST), and Manchester City visit Fulham on Sunday (16:00 BST).
! k8 c' B: O3 {, ~& _$ M曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛: H( q* k6 e6 Z& j5 Z- m$ U
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2 w" ~9 |# {$ d% [曼联在线·球迷地带红魔希望周六对阵博尔顿的比赛可以让自己重回胜利轨道,然而梅格森的球队也不甘示弱。曼联在线·球迷地带& h9 x, ^! k  Z/ K9 F' w

- N; E$ H% a/ b: h1 H博尔顿输掉了联赛的头三场比赛,然而他们最近的状态却热得发烫,目前,球队所获得的8分全部来自最近的4场比赛,最近6场比赛,他们攻入12球,进攻毫不手软。2-3惜败于利物浦,2-2战平热刺,展示了他们面对大场面时的勇气。曼联方面,在令人失望地以2-2结束8连胜之后,也希望在国际比赛日之后重新找回状态。曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛4 }; R* d5 z' S- [: ?

, X/ U6 d/ W0 p3 z1 X. Z, m- W红魔将会迎来范德萨的回归,而迈克尔-欧文也将会从腹股沟伤势中恢复。最大的隐患,来自于鲁尼的小腿肚子,这个伤势让小胖错过了英格兰和白俄罗斯的比赛。博尔顿方面,他们的老伤号肖恩-戴维斯将会继续缺席,而中场球员奥布莱恩(膝盖)和后卫里克特斯(脚踝)伤势不明。曼联在线·球迷地带# s4 E" c0 {" G, C! W
www.imanutd.com! S5 L0 V4 W0 Q. M/ \" {
而主教练梅格森本周声援了弗格森,后者在上一场比赛赛后说了一些关于裁判的言论,而梅格森表示人们应该向前看了。弗格森爵士队梅格森评价甚高,后者本周六无疑也会得到本方球迷的大力支持。www.imanutd.com3 \: n9 B# W; q, {) N$ A% S! L# H

5 E( I$ `+ D0 ?- \! D6 H" i曼联在线·球迷地带对手的危险人物是以色列人科恩,他本赛季已经攻入了3粒联赛入球,包括对阵利物浦时的进球,而凯文-戴维斯依然会利用他的力量对抗曼联的后卫们,而上一场对阵桑德兰的比赛显示,曼联后卫并不令人放心。
4 h2 f7 X9 Q+ S* P
7 l6 {: P( S6 c) K0 n! |曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛本场的裁判——克拉滕伯格——将会是关注的焦点,敌人们将会很高兴的发现,在他执法曼联的最近4场比赛中,球队居然是1平3负!上一次博尔顿击败曼联的比赛,2007年11月的那场(1-0),裁判就是此人。希望这场比赛不会有什么波折……
0 @3 z/ O! D) G$ [' H  e; _% H专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.www.imanutd.com1 i9 d* j( v% o! M; g$ u7 R
