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弗格森:第十八个冠军会到来 Sir Alex: 18th title will come

弗格森:第十八个冠军会到来 Sir Alex: 18th title will come

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Sir Alex Ferguson is ecstatic after landing his 10th Barclays Premier League title as United boss. Here's a transcript of his first post-match interview at Wigan:
5 F& N* E: |! G) vwww.imanutd.com
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“It was a tough one alright and being away from home today made it more difficult. In fairness for most of the game we played well. There were some nervous moments and then the rain came and we were wondering what’s going to happen now, because anything can happen on a rainy surface. Just after half-time we started to get a grip of it. We missed a few chances and the goalkeeper made some great saves. I was saying to myself, “Please give us that second goal.” Of course, my oldest player, ten medals today, gets it – Ryan Giggs. Fantastic."
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, N1 r4 q3 `+ }4 X曼联在线·球迷地带Was Paul Scholes fortunate not to be sent off?曼联在线·球迷地带4 a/ D0 x$ j6 a/ [
"I think Paul rode his luck a little bit. I thought his first tackle was reckless and he deserved to be booked. The second one was nothing, a shove and it didn’t merit a booking at all. But there was one a few minutes before that one which puts the case in doubt."
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7 E  U! k5 n" b/ L5 W+ R$ j! v曼联在线·球迷地带How nervous were you when Chelsea went 1-0 up?曼联在线·球迷地带6 `  j3 F7 t& l; y4 m! G" D
“You’ve got to try and dismiss all the stuff round about you, forget what was happening at Chelsea and concentrate on our own game. I think we did that okay. But there was a guy behind us who kept telling us it was 2-0 to Chelsea after just one minute."% z% p9 R/ W, W  a, B7 T- g
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What would you regard as the turning point in the title race?
+ i5 s9 b9 I+ f: K! C$ ]4 k4 awww.imanutd.com"It ebbed and flowed a bit. Arsenal, for long periods, looked like they were专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.% V) S0 c5 R& ?! b$ l5 d

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( G+ o8 J' g/ [3 s5 p0 P! ^ - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站艰难的冠军争夺战www.imanutd.com6 Z3 q6 [5 [) n3 \2 z
“这是一场艰苦的比赛,特别是今天我们要作客,这让我们在比赛当中遇到更多的困难,公平地说,我们在比赛大部分时间里都表现得不错,虽然有些惊险时刻,也有下雨,我们现在依然不敢相信这个美好的结果,因为今天下起大雨,在下半场,我们受到影响,我们错过了一些机会,而对方的门将也有一些神奇的扑救,我一直对自己说,‘请给我们第二个进球。’当然,我们阵中最老的球员是吉格斯,他今天得到第十面英超冠军奖牌,他打进奠定胜局的进球,这真的是梦幻般的结果。”www.imanutd.com) w' C$ z# p; T
" q3 x9 o& J0 J* ]曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛“我认为斯科尔斯是有点走运,他的第一个铲球确实比较凶,应该领到黄牌,但第二个铲球动作,问题就不大,事实上,不应该再领到黄牌,不过由于两个动作相隔的时间不长,所以会引来一些疑问。”
# H1 w7 x, ]4 |$ S2 _当切尔西领先1比0,有没有感到紧张?
: G) p& k+ Y8 {* p - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站“你必须要尽量排除外界的干扰,忘掉在切尔西发生的事情,只要专注自己的比赛,我认为球队今天在这方面做得不错,但在我们身后有一个人,在一分钟之后,马上告诉切尔西,我们领先2比0,他应该是为切尔西工作的。”
+ w, ^  }* A; A4 x* l  ]www.imanutd.com在夺冠征程当中的转折点…
' l+ E) u/ E# _  b+ c6 {% ~" I9 Wwww.imanutd.com“情况一直在变动,在很长一段时间,阿森纳看上去很有机会赢下联赛冠军,不过当我们在足总杯淘汰他们之后,他们连续丢掉一些分数,而我们在布莱克本和米德尔斯堡身上也丢了一些分数,这让切尔西可以追上来,不过他们在维甘身上丢了2分,这就让冠军落入我们手中。”www.imanutd.com0 S( K1 r% M. p( ~( _  S2 H, x
第十次夺得英超冠军,有什么样的感受?曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛/ y4 ]& k2 l4 ]
# Y4 M' l. O6 s0 v+ p4 L+ j - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站目标是打破利物浦在顶级联赛的十八次夺冠的纪录?专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.& }( A" w( b+ ?. K4 J

皇马30个 欧冠9个 还任重道远 反正欧冠超越巴萨 尤文 国米了 很爽


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零头吧??? - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站) `7 v9 X, o4 C: @3 M5 j3 ~- }$ ]


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