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战报:曼联 1 利物浦 4 United1 Liverpool4

战报:曼联 1 利物浦 4 United1 Liverpool4

It had looked rosy when Cristiano Ronaldo converted a first-half penalty, but an uncharacteristically nervy display at the back allowed Liverpool back into this match; and the subsequent 4-1 defeat means the Reds’ lead at the top is chopped to four points, albeit with a game in hand.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛! V* t  K3 q* A0 r
曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛% j+ `& E" K( h  y: p
Ronaldo put United ahead but three defensive mistakes led to Liverpool goals, and Nemanja Vidic’s second-half sending-off, which preceded the visitors' third goal, put paid to taking any points. In truth, this wasn’t a great day at the office, it never quite clicked into place. But one thing is certain: this defeat must be used to propel the Reds forward in the title race. The team responds well to set-backs, and this is only a minor stumble.
/ b( Q  y5 m/ h. U8 @, R' F1 t - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.; ?. F8 x( R% D6 O6 G3 Q% V" i% w/ W; E
United made three changes from the team that beat Internazionale in midweek. Whereas Sir Alex chose the experience of Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs against Jose Mourinho’s men, the Reds boss favoured the energy and youthful vigour of Anderson and Ji-sung Park, while Carlos Tevez partnered Wayne Rooney in place of Dimitar Berbatov.
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It must have stuck in the throats of Liverpool’s players and fans when United were welcomed onto the field as “the Champions of England, the Champions of Europe, and the Champions of the World”. Such is United’s dominance these days that the roles are reversed from when Liverpool dominated at home and abroad years ago.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛- V# d2 i" _% I) H

* S$ W* [9 p. U% P7 f7 T" v9 D - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站The shouts of “United, United” were deafening as the teams kicked off, and the sheer gravity of how potentially decisive this match could be added extra spice, though it was hardly needed. Liverpool, who knew that they had to win to keep alive their ailing title hopes, were forced into a change when Alvaro Arbeloa was injured during the warm-up and replaced by Sami Hyypia. - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站! r, j; L* h- Y
曼联在线·球迷地带5 `( k" t. T5 H+ @7 |/ \) K, c; H
United made the early running, while Liverpool started with a game-plan of containment, a 4-5-1 formation aimed at constricting United’s free-flowing football, but the Reds were urged on by the fans, the coaching staff and Rooney screaming at his team-mates to press forward. The start typified both team’s styles; United brooding with attacking intent, Liverpool patient and poker-faced." g! {5 Q1 A3 \4 H

" I& \  z# y- I  f3 {0 EThe visitors blinked first. Tevez slotted a pass through the channel to Park on 23 minutes, and the midfielder was wiped out by Pepe Reina – referee Alan Wiley had no hesitation in pointing to the spot. Ronaldo stood poised ready to strike from twelve yards and his perfectly-placed kick was followed with a collective roar of approval and rousing “We shall not be moved” as Old Trafford bounced and rocked.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛. b  h1 k, F- S2 D
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The lead lasted only five minutes, however, after a rare error from Vidic, who failed to deal with a high ball forward from Reina. Whether it was the intermittent spring sunshine or indecision, he let the ball bounce and Fernando Torres nipped the ball off his toes. The Serb stumbled and Torres was left to slip the ball past the onrushing Edwin van der Sar. It was a frustrating leveller, largely undeserved and just as the Reds had appeared to take control.www.imanutd.com* v3 O) T8 H- F2 R( `
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United immediately looked to make amends when Reina just held onto a deflected Ronaldo free-kick, and shortly before half time Michael Carrick sent a wicked shot just over the bar. But seconds later Liverpool took the lead. Gerrard latched onto Torres’ pass and Patrice Evra brought him down. The Liverpool skipper calmly despatched his spot-kick, though Edwin guessed the right way.
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9 L2 c: X1 L& r" B+ m8 Y; S1 OIn the second half, no doubt with Sir Alex’s words still ringing in their ears, the United players pressed forward, roared on by the Old Trafford crowd. Reina was twice lucky to escape after spilling crosses, once allowing the ball to rebound off his post, another dropped on the goal line. But neither occasion gleaned an equaliser. Nor did Ronaldo’s flashed cross on 63 minutes, or the return ball from Rooney which Tevez couldn’t quite reach. But United were definitely in the ascendancy.
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Tevez had an even better chance on 70 minutes when Carrick’s lofted pass found him free in the area. He chested the ball down but could apply the finish. Shortly afterwards, United made a triple substitution with Berbatov, Scholes and Giggs coming on for Carrick, Anderson and Park. But United’s hopes of turning this match around were all but curtailed when Vidic was given a straight red card for hauling down Gerrard who was through on goal, and to make matters worse Fabio Aurelio curled the resulting free-kick into the top corner of van der Sar’s goal.www.imanutd.com7 z9 d8 X; ?0 ?& B* W7 e1 e) @

( [( U- h/ e1 x1 f  fwww.imanutd.comIt all but snuffed out even the slimmest hopes of a Reds recovery and Andrea Dossena's late lob compounded matters and made this a day to forget. Liverpool may claim the bragging rights and a double over United in the league this season, but Sir Alex and co's sights are set on bigger prizes.- H9 n$ K6 y) X- E% H4 z! t1 `

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% {1 `6 Z) c8 N7 c: Z1 e& ^, y4 wwww.imanutd.com罗纳尔多帮助曼联先开纪录,不过多次防守失误,让利物浦接连取得进球,而维迪奇更是在下半场被红牌罚下,客军随后再进一球,提前锁定胜局,毫无疑问,今天的失败会给曼联在卫冕联赛冠军之路上增加难度,不过只要球队及时反弹,这也只是一个小挫折而已。, K2 b* w* a1 z+ s. p+ \# X
# F: T- Q4 j6 X/ w) `) uwww.imanutd.com从比赛一开始,现场球迷就在高呼“United,United”,球队也在比赛早段占据优势,由于阿尔贝罗亚在热身受伤,海皮亚临时进入利物浦的先发阵容。
( j+ H* C0 u4 s( b, ~; [曼联在线·球迷地带鲁尼在左路表现活跃,朴智星的射门被卡拉格挡出,利物浦在比赛初段排出 4-5-1 阵式,而曼联教练组成员以及鲁尼,都在比赛中吆喝队友要尽量把皮球传到前场,这也体现出本场比赛的局势:曼联积极进攻,而利物浦则静观其变。
% H; S- W' Q2 u7 u. F6 n# e. h曼联率先打破僵局,第23分钟,特维斯妙传朴智星,朴智星在禁区里被赖纳绊倒,主裁判果断吹罚点球,罗纳尔多轻松罚中。
4 A' ]4 G, _2 A* E3 X - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站不过领先优势只维持5分钟,维迪奇一次罕有的失误,他无法解围赖纳开出的长传球,托雷斯停球后,维迪奇滑倒,托雷斯面对范德萨,巧射得分,这是令人感到沮丧的一个失球,不过曼联依旧控制主动权。
; J% b) [$ @9 m专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.但在半场结束前,利物浦取得领先,杰拉德接应托雷斯的传球,埃弗拉在禁区里把杰拉德绊倒,杰拉德顺利罚中点球,尽管范德萨扑对方向。
* |: j, A: X$ `' R+ \- R - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站在下半场,受到弗格森批评的曼联球员大军压境,而现场球迷更是大声呐喊助威,曼联连续两次错失进球良机,一次传中击中门柱,一次传中滑门而过,第63分钟,罗纳尔多回传,鲁尼和特维斯都无法接应射门得分。曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛* u: T& a/ ?, X7 g4 \& B# x
第70分钟,特维斯取得进球良机,他用胸部停下卡里克的传球后,却无法射门,曼联随后换上贝尔巴托夫,斯科尔斯和吉格斯,但却无法扭转局势,维迪奇对杰拉德的犯规,由于杰拉德已经获得单刀球,因此维迪奇直接被红牌罚下,欧雷里奥直接主罚任意球,把皮球打进球门上角。www.imanutd.com! d( R) Q. j; v1 n
  p* a9 g* _. }1 E专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源. - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站0 b8 @8 X' }' s4 \# N9 j
[ 本帖最后由 goreds 于 2009-3-15 09:34 编辑 ]