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加队回归!! Reds captain returns

加队回归!! Reds captain returns


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Gary Neville is in contention to travel with a 20-man first-team squad for the Reds’ trip to Middlesbrough on Sunday.
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Club captain Neville hasn’t featured for Sir Alex’s side since March 2007, when an injury against Bolton Wanderers forced him from the field. Neville was plagued by further bad luck when the 33-year-old suffered a series of minor knocks during the recovery process.
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A knee Injury and a subsequent three-week lay-off rules Nemanja Vidic out, but it could open up a route back into the first-team for Neville.曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛: {# B4 m( B& ~: Y2 w  B/ ?

! s1 `$ i8 P7 U曼联在线·球迷地带“It’s been over a year since Gary’s last game,” Sir Alex told the press on Friday. “That isn’t easy at his age but what always encouraged us was his enthusiasm to return.
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% a/ h) L" l+ ~6 S' s"Nemanja's injury is a loss, but we hope to have him back in three weeks. I think we can cope. We've got Mikael Silvetre and Gary Neville back. To have those personalities and experienced players back in the squad can only help us.There's also Gerard Pique, John O'Shea and Wes Brown. So we're very well covered in that position. If we can't cope, there's something wrong."
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Neville has impressed in a number of outings for the Reserves in recent weeks, most recently in Monday’s 1-1 draw with Newcastle United. Now the skipper will return to the North East for the second time in a week as the Reds look to take three vital points off Gareth Southgate’s side.
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2 v& o" d' s* z: n3 L1 ?8 A曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛United will be without winger Nani for the trip to Teesside. The Portuguese winger is still recovering from a thigh strain. "Nani is still not 100%," added Sir Alex. "I'm sure he'll be fit for Wednesday against Roma."
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6 A: ^0 N1 L! }  |) [  r4 H( o1 ^从07年3月与博尔顿的比赛中受伤以后,加队就没有在一线队登过场。而在恢复过程中,他又不幸地不断遇上各种小伤小病。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站; c1 X  [- z3 L: s& R( }
维迪奇由于膝伤休战3周,而这却使得内维尔回归一线队。 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.% I& x0 J/ ~: O( V$ s1 R
/ ?0 N. \0 Y. v6 W7 w; _  f曼联在线·球迷地带维迪奇的受伤对我们是个损失,但我们希望3周后他就能回来。我认为我们可以应付过去。西尔维斯特和内维尔都复出了。他们这样的球员对我们很有帮助。我们还有皮奎、奥谢、布朗等人,所以我们在中后卫的位置上并不紧张。如果我们连这个不能应付的话那才不对劲呢。” 曼联在线·球迷地带$ R$ v# n4 w( }+ Z
0 v. x/ L' K7 q9 o2 S曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛曼联边锋纳尼将继续缺席比赛,葡萄牙人大腿的伤势还在恢复中。“纳尼还没有完全康复,”弗格森补充说,“但我可以肯定周中面对罗马时他将会痊愈。”



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但是确实加队的能力一般般4 E. Q; t" U3 \$ N






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