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[TeamTalk] 弗格森:曼联已经足够好了 United good enough already - Fergie

[TeamTalk] 弗格森:曼联已经足够好了 United good enough already - Fergie

曼联在线·球迷地带- A0 Y# D0 T$ i) p$ U8 s, g2 L

- v* x/ L) j) N4 ]( o/ N4 VSir Alex Ferguson is confident that his Manchester United squad is good enough to retain the Premier League title even without a new striker.
9 {+ j& X3 M% x, K" x  p: f专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.United opened their Premier League title defence in disappointing fashion at Old Trafford on Sunday as they were held to a 1-1 draw by Newcastle.
! j+ G4 R" C# ?) O3 V& F: c% T( ?With Carlos Tevez back home in Argentina following a family bereavement and Wayne Rooney some way short of full fitness, the Red Devils lacked a killer touch up front.
7 H' z9 b" }7 S+ m- Z+ e! c5 X, D曼联在线·球迷地带Injuries to Ryan Giggs and Michael Carrick hardly helped and with a massive list of absentees to contend with already, the result seemed to back up Ferguson's previously stated theory that he needs another forward.
7 n+ F0 q6 m3 t% ]! L1 R2 P9 M! `But while attempts to sign Dimitar Berbatov will continue this week, the United boss insists he would be happy sticking with what he has.
3 L  Z# c4 b) d+ H - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"If a new signing happens it happens," Ferguson told Key 103.
/ \- s' [5 I( ^2 j7 X$ ^专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源."The squad we had last season is good enough. 曼联在线·球迷地带0 L+ ?6 p: A& Z; Q# w( n5 ~8 V
"Carlos Tevez will be back for the Portsmouth game next week. Anderson is due back from the Olympics by the time we play Liverpool and Chelsea and Wayne Rooney will be more effective for playing 90 minutes against Newcastle. If we have to go with what we have, we will do."
! Q% K! Y: y, e, d - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站Ferguson seemed quite relaxed about the situation, even though United have already slipped a couple of points behind their main title rivals with just one match of the season gone.
8 J1 P8 Z7 U/ u- [& i3 E - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站Not that there is any major reason for concern, other than the fact United's Super Cup commitment in Monaco at the end of the month means they now face three successive away games, starting at Portsmouth next week before those crunch trips to Liverpool and Chelsea after the first international break. 曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛7 m8 x; ]& |  ]. M5 ^
"We have been handicapped by the fixture list but there are 37 games to go, so we have plenty of time," said Ferguson, whose team picked up only two points from their opening three games last season and still successfully defended their crown. 5 a5 n7 z. i1 E( H5 H& {. H, C
Ferguson will need to look at a replay of Martins' goal to know who was to blame. 3 m% C, m- P  D5 G* _
Edwin van der Sar might have done better with James Milner's corner - but equally Martins was unmarked as he powered the ball home. 专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.0 c9 r) Z( x3 E
"I did not expect to lose a goal at a set-piece to a header from a guy who is 5ft 8in," said the United boss.
0 l+ g  C8 W! }2 G - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站"Once we got the equaliser, I thought we would kick on. But while we were the better team, they were always a threat on the counter-attack -and we have to take into account the personnel we have missing."
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曼联在线·球迷地带, [/ g* j& d; ~4 J# O8 m, o
弗格森爵士相信即使没有新前锋的加盟,他的球队依然可以卫冕英超。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站, h) x) F: a+ O- x! o: n' w' t+ F' }; w! Y
. s8 Z6 ?1 L5 R# p4 C特维斯因为亲人去世回到阿根廷,鲁尼还没有完全恢复健康,红魔前场十分缺少攻击火力。
! R! J) n/ g* I$ q0 Z吉格斯和卡里克的受伤使得曼联的伤兵名单继续增加,这似乎证实了弗格森之前一定要买前锋的说法。
& P  r, F  q2 ^ - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站不过随着贝尔巴托夫的转会事宜拖延到了本周,弗格森又声称他对现有的球员感到满意。专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.% d9 z9 k& ^& i4 y3 ^1 P
# U- E* K6 r0 E$ A2 k2 N1 `曼联在线·球迷地带上个赛季的阵容已经足够好了。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站9 v7 n! ]1 v$ ~, O/ ^1 i4 [
特维斯将会在下周回归,安德森将会在我们面对利物浦和切尔西时回来,鲁尼将会变得更加有效率,如果我们要以现有成员征战的话,我们可以做到。”曼联在线·球迷地带/ Z- X7 l8 m& r8 Q/ w: ]1 E$ ]
( w% q# @5 M8 {; V( c# o曼联将会在月末在摩纳哥参加欧洲超级杯的比赛,这意味着他们将会有一个连续三个客场的征途(wfcjj:原来中间主场与富勒姆的比赛推迟),下周他们将会挑战朴茨茅斯,之后将会连续对阵利物浦和切尔西。
2 ~& }( o: t3 o0 j- x; q, I看到赛程安排的时候我们都惊呆了,不过还有37场比赛呢,因此我们还有很多时间,”弗格森说,曼联上个赛季前三场比赛只得到了2分,依然卫冕成功。
; q. X" W% S8 V" r弗格森还要重新看一边回放,看看马丁斯的进球到底是谁的责任。/ J! R, F  w0 ^+ c& j- D1 ~$ P& `
6 N8 ~! a, L5 ~" o5 V# a6 Ywww.imanutd.com我可没想到我们会被一个5英尺8英寸(170cm)的球员打进一个头球,”弗格森说。
6 O5 g$ C& q8 C8 {www.imanutd.com我们扳平之后,我认为我们会继续进球。不过要知道我们还必须随时提防对手的反击,而且我们还缺少了那么多球员。”
! e% z$ q; e. O* M7 m, iwww.imanutd.com