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安德森天降神兵博得弗吉喝彩 Fergie hails Anderson impact

安德森天降神兵博得弗吉喝彩 Fergie hails Anderson impact

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Sir Alex Ferguson admits he has been left pleasantly surprised by the consummate ease in which Anderson has adapted to English football. 曼联在线·球迷地带, a' G" F4 }. y, ^
The 20-year-old Brazilian schemer was expected to be eased into his new surrounds following a big-money summer switch to Old Trafford from Porto. 曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛6 p. e  n5 V- V3 ]8 x
However, an injury to Paul Scholes in October saw Anderson promoted from the periphery to Ferguson's first XI and whenever called upon since he has not disappointed with a series of mature displays.
4 @2 u* t- w. M. y: v" M2 r# pFerguson is well stocked with central midfield options and while Anderson is being groomed as Scholes' long-term successor, Ferguson has pointed out that the two are very different players.
0 M, w: G: h! h"When Paul got his injury it was a blow for us and opened the door for Anderson - and we discovered a boy who had talent," Ferguson said. 8 [7 f! f& U& S! j; a, ?! n
"It may otherwise have turned out that Anderson would have had to wait, just getting the odd game here and there, which may not have helped him develop as we have seen. www.imanutd.com) }" k0 H: o0 Q# j" F( b6 _
"Anderson is not like Scholes entirely. He's more of an aggressive, running player.
: ~3 \" k3 e5 ?# r# D+ {www.imanutd.com"He's quicker than Scholes, more of the type to run forward from midfield with the ball, whereas Scholes will do it without the ball."
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/ s# Y3 n/ J0 T! ?www.imanutd.com弗格森爵士坦言,安德森竟然如此轻松完美地适应了英超比赛的节奏,让他倍感惊喜。
* D& j7 g. ?# x# F2 u - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站20岁的巴西小机灵在去年夏天从波尔多巨资转会老特拉福德,没人指望他能一下子适应新环境。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站; a% h7 T+ k0 I) ]* P" f4 n
不过,去年十月斯科尔斯的突然受伤给了安德森机会,此后他的一系列成熟的表现让弗格森非常满意,迅速升至主力十一人阵容。www.imanutd.com( m' y+ C* n  P! m: G6 b9 V/ C
7 o  c& C+ L$ C, l, n专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.他说:“保罗的受伤无疑是晴天霹雳,却奇妙地给安德森打开了一扇大门——我们由此发现他才华惊人。 - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站* C+ L- v1 K: \. {0 i0 b7 s* i
0 C% |/ ]* v  V1 l) g5 Z1 o* Z+ G“安德森并不完全和斯科尔斯一样。他更具进攻性、跑动更多。* ^1 F& [! S# X# E
9 M; N7 S- A: Q% D0 z2 E; ]www.imanutd.com曼联,曼联BT,曼联在线视频,曼联图片,曼联新闻,曼联论坛/ o# ^% [  ^4 s2 {. Z5 K
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[ 本帖最后由 斑丝妮 于 2008-2-27 22:49 编辑 ]



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