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[天空体育] 弗格森期待卡里克的回归 Ferguson expects Carrick return

[天空体育] 弗格森期待卡里克的回归 Ferguson expects Carrick return

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# T* m7 t; [* k, O" K" z专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.Sir Alex Ferguson is hoping to recall Michael Carrick for Manchester United's opening UEFA Champions League game in the absence of Paul Scholes.
* ~7 ^9 K+ y; y" L曼联在线·球迷地带Scholes is set to miss the match against Villarreal at Old Trafford next month after being sent off in Friday's 2-1 Uefa Super Cup defeat to Zenit St Petersburg.
6 t1 k, }+ f2 t0 L% u3 P/ H - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站The former England international midfielder will serve a one-match ban after picking up a second yellow card for deliberate handball.
& w# Z2 p. R' y, Q - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站Carrick is expected to continue his recovery from an ankle injury over the international break and put himself in contention for the fixture with the Spanish side.www.imanutd.com$ b+ @$ _- O1 E
"Although we will miss Scholes for the first Champions League game, Michael Carrick will hopefully be fit by that time," said Ferguson.专业曼联球迷网站,曼联球迷的地盘,为广大球迷提供最新曼联新闻与视频资源.5 H+ E6 S9 C! s0 f' v3 j3 t
Carrick's return will be welcome relief for Ferguson who is without injured midfielders Ryan Giggs, Owen Hargreaves and Cristiano Ronaldo.
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: G  \1 S1 t) V - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站弗格森爵士希望能够在欧冠首轮的时候能够让卡里克上场,以弥补斯科尔斯的缺阵。
. C% F% d9 i3 ^% Z7 Y1 ~www.imanutd.com在曼联1-2负于泽尼特的比赛中,斯科尔斯被罚出场,他将会在曼联主场迎战比利亚雷亚尔是被禁赛。曼联在线·球迷地带$ _+ R" T; a& N  {; b; V& u0 c
/ v4 f1 K3 ]- |. z曼联在线·球迷地带接下来的国家队比赛日给了卡里克恢复休整脚踝伤势的时机,他将可能会在对阵比利亚尔亚尔时获得出场机会。
2 Z2 D+ N8 n! e% C虽然我们将会在欧冠联赛第一轮的时候失去斯科尔斯,不过迈克尔卡里克很有希望将会在那时复出,”弗格森说。
, M7 R& m* W6 \% j# ~- A3 P - 专业·专注·曼联中文网站卡里克的回归对弗格森来讲将会是雪中送炭一样,中场已经伤病满营,包括吉格斯、哈格里夫斯以及C罗都高挂免战牌。